
I'm such an inconsistent blogger. One week you get a new post everyday and the next week, nothing. This is mostly due to the fact that I use Nathan's computer to upload video and pictures. But maybe Josiah is becoming interesting enough so that I can also just write stories about things he does and you can simply imagine his cuteness. The word interesting might need a loose definition in this context.

Story #1
This morning Josiah reached up on the counter and pulled the egg carton to the floor. The remaining 3 eggs went splat. Who knew he could reach up to the counter? I didn't.

Story #2
Yesterday Josiah fell pretty hard and hit his head on the floor. I was on the phone at the time. He cried briefly until I gave him his pacifier and then he seemed fine. He played a little bit and walked around, but also oddly kept putting his head on random pillows. A few minutes later I was off the phone and laying on the couch. He got up on the couch with me, snuggled in, and fell asleep. Highly unusual. So I put him in his crib and called Daddy. Did I check his pupils? No, he fell asleep. I checked on him 45 minutes later. He stirred as I was leaving, stood up in his crib, cried for 2 seconds, and then went back to sleep. Also weird. He napped for over 2 hours but woke up and seemed fine. Is there such thing as a semi-concussion?

Story #3
Josiah has a friend who is slightly younger who tells her mommy when she has poop in her diaper. This seems like a reasonable thing for Josiah to do considering the extent of his vocabulary and comprehension. However, so far he has only said "poopoo" when near the toilet (which he can also now climb up on) and seems thus far oblivious to his own body functions.

Story #4
We went to Indianapolis this past weekend to see Josiah's aunties and uncles who were there for a wedding. On the way home, Josiah had been asleep for about an hour when he promptly woke up and threw up everywhere. This was my first real mommy throw up experience and I was proud of myself for not also throwing up, like I had imagined would be the case. He didn't cry, he didn't have a fever, he just sat there in his throw up. And after we got everything cleaned up, he ate 6 chicken nuggets. He's been fine since.

Story #5
Whenever Josiah sees he reflection in the full length mirror in our bedroom, he hits the boy in the mirror and says a stern "no!" to him. Maybe he just needs a little control over someone else? We aren't quite sure what to make of it, but we're glad he doesn't go around hitting other kids. Yet.


  1. Pics are nice. Videos are great. But these are wonderful too! I would enjoy all of the above.

  2. Heads get bumped, hit, etc. - mine did, often because I "worked hard" to make sure it got hit. (Great short stories. Thanks for the post.)


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