Look! A New Post.
July has been fun. We've gotten to go lots of places and see lots of people. But I am tired of traveling and thankful to be in one place for a while. So last Friday we left to go to California for our 10 year high school reunion. It was good times. And I put up an album on facebook, so you can look at pictures there if you're interested.
Here's a video from the reunion dinner of Josiah's salt obsession. And Ian's encouragement of it.
We pushed Josiah pretty hard during the weekend and so when we got to our friends' house Sunday afternoon he was just exhausted but refused to nap because he has gotten part of a nap in the car. What better way to deal with exhaustion than a big bubble bath?
Ok, well it took a bit for him to like the bubbles, but he got there. By the way, a little bit of shampoo goes a long way in a tub with jets. We seriously had like 6 inches of bubbles on top of the water. Don't tell Jamie!
By the next morning, we were all a bit more rested and able to enjoy a wagon ride around Tanaka Farms.

We spent the weekend with highschool friends, and were grateful to get to spend Monday with CA friends.

While eating. Always best to do things while eating.

As we rode around the farm, we were handed lots of fresh produce to eat.

Ok seriously girls, you're both being much to dainty.

Josiah likes carrot but is mostly unable to chew it into small enough pieces that he feels comfortable swallowing. So he just chews for a while and then spits.

He likes corn though. I had no idea that raw corn could be so delicious!

Just hanging out on the wagon.

Finally! Done with all the veggies and on to the watermelon!

Running through the watermelon field with his watermelon.

The boys with their organic melons to take home.

Thanks for our trip to the farm, friends!

This is not an easy picture to get, especially with 2 one-year-olds.

We spent the afternoon napping and hanging out with Mr. Henry Bubbles. Josiah gets more excited around dogs, but I think he feels like cats are more accessible.

And then TACO NIGHT! Thanks Ann for my amazing birthday dinner. :)

And birthday cake! Unfortunately my 101 degree fever kept me from being able to eat more cake. But still yummy!

Group picture! And announcement of Baby Krake to arrive next Spring!

So good to be with so many friends!
And now so good to be back to some sort of normal for a while. :)
yay! this was a good one! aren't you glad that I enjoy taking so many pictures of your adorable son? :)