I realize that most of you reading this blog are not in the position to buy our car. Either because you don't need it or you live very, very far away. But on the off chance that one of you in the great MidWest needs a car or knows someone that needs a car, I thought I would blog about it. Because we would like to sell it by December 15. And that is soon.

The Basics:
  • Price: $1,600
  • 97 Toyota Corolla
  • 138,xxx miles
  • Tires, belts, hoses, and plugs about a year old
  • AC, Heat, CD player
  • 30 mpg
  • No rust, though the paint job is not the best anymore
  • Has never given us any problems - very reliable!

Little Car's Life Story

Little Car was born in 1997. His original owner loved him very much. Another mean car hit Little Car in the right side early in life, rendering the back passenger door unopenable from the inside. But he got all fixed up and the important parts of Little Car were not impacted by that other mean car.

I got Little Car in 2001 after my freshman year of college. My college roommate informed me that he needed a name. I was unaware that people in America named their cars, but I wanted to fit in. For some reason, I had put a stuffed toy skunk in the rear window of the car, so naturally I named him The Skunk. It never really stuck. My roomie called him The Skunk far more than I did.

My senior year of college the toy skunk was replaced with two frogs. The frogs had "Nathan" and "Shannon" written on their rears. The frogs were removed today.

Little Car took a trip cross-country to California. He liked being in California. He didn't ever squeak anymore because it is only cold 1.75 days out of the year. Many teenagers rode in Little Car. Then a Baby started to ride in Little Car.

In the summer of 2009, Nathan drove Little Car back across the country by himself. He drove for 26 hours straight at one point during that trip. Did I ever tell you that? Nathan and Little Car are very proud about that. You should ask them.

All told, Little Car has lived a lot of places, driven a lot of places, and had lots of college parking stickers in the rear window. Since 2001 he has not been in an accident and has never been sick. He has been very reliable. He is a bit quirky... the back passenger door doesn't open from inside, some of the inside lights are out, and only a few lines on the rear window defroster work.

But, he got new hubcaps today! (We should have done that years ago.) Doesn't he look spiffy?

Any takers??


  1. That's a pretty good deal actually. there is a decent chance that car has another 100,000 miles in it.


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