Important Notice(s)
1. Just so you know, the same annoying marketing techniques that exist in the States, also exist in Asia. "Private and Confidential? Important Notice? Did we forget to pay a bill?!?"
No, silly. It's just an advertisement. Well, I can't actually read the Chinese, but truly important notices never use color or have pictures of phones.

2. I apparently did not end my Imagine post with as much clarity as I thought. I thought the mention of a "happy ending" made it clear that we found our important documents. But for those of you left wondering... I apologize. Yes, we did find them. They were in the "safe place" where I had left them at our temporary housing. I guess once we stop changing locations and I have to stop coming up with new "safe places," the safe place might actually become safe. Because I'll remember where it is.
3. In case you did not know that you have a button that pops out your wings, here is a demonstration:
When I was a youngster I "flew around" but I was Superman because in the stone ages we did not have Buzz Lightyear.