Yesterday, I decided to go to Central with both boys by myself. I needed to get a couple of birthday presents for Josiah's friends and mostly I just wanted to know that I could brave the big city by myself. So after school and after lunch and after Daniel's nap, to the ferry we went. And then with Daniel in the Ergo (baby carrier) and Josiah in the stroller, we meandered through some of the busiest streets in the world. And we survived. And even managed to get all the things I intended to get. Hooray!
Then we went to Daddy's office and took Daddy home with us.
This boy was quite tired after a long and busy day.
This boy was a bundle of sweat and was tired of being held.
Today Josiah had his first special snack day at school. I finally decided that the stress that snack time caused was just not worth it. So on days that I know he will have a hard time with the snack (bean curd porridge, iced red bean soup, etc.), I will send him something different. Today he got grapes. So hopefully no more force feeding and crying and dreading snack time.
Today Josiah drew this at school. On the right are some eggs in a bowl. I'm not exactly sure what he was supposed to draw on the left side, but I do know that he drew Mr. Incredible and the Omnidroid. And that his teachers did not want him to draw that, but he did it anyway. It will be interesting to see how our very opinionated and stubborn child continues to do in the local education system.
Josiah has had homework from day one this year. Today he had to write the numbers 1-10 three times. He also had to write the Chinese character 回. 
Here is a video of homework time:
This little guy is busy crawling around and discovering and mostly being a happy baby.
I tried to get a video of him crawling, but well... you'll see.
Pictures and TWO videos - Good Stuff!
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