Tour: Upstairs
Sorry I've been absent for a week. I should be posting more consistently this week. And I finally got around to taking pictures of upstairs for anyone curious. (For those of you who have been to the house or who don't care, there's a video at the end that's worth watching.)
The upstairs hallway: first door right = Josiah's room, first door left = spare bedroom, second door right = bathroom, second door left = our bedroom, door at the end = spare bedroom.
Josiah's room. He still sleeps in his Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper, but we haven't used it as a co-sleeper since he was 6 months. I have loved the co-sleeper... his crib is with us wherever he goes and he can't climb out of it. Though expensive, the organic mattress was worth the money because it's just better (more comfy, less noisy, no chemicals, etc.) than the one it comes with (which still must be used for traveling).
Ever since we moved to Michigan, we've put a pillow in the crib. Josiah loves it. I also started using "Pandaman" as a comfort item to help him sleep through the night better. He's not super attached to Pandaman, but he likes to hug him and knows that Pandaman sleeps with him. And that's the quilt my mom made for him almost a year and a half ago!
The twin bed in the room is a handy place to sleep with him when he's having a rough night or for early morning nursing. He slept with us on and off for the first year, but I'm pretty done with that. Our room is lighter than his, so when he's in our bed he always wants to jump up and look out the window, no matter how tired he is or what time it is. Definitely annoying.
This is one spare bedroom. I usually iron clothes in this room. So I threw them all in the closet in order to present the illusion of a clean room.
This is the purple bathroom. The bathtub is also purple.
And our bedroom. The door is to a 3/4 bath.
The quilt on the bed is ours, though there is a comforter that actually matches the room.
This is the other spare bedroom.
Josiah LOVES to climb up the ladder to the top bunk.
Obviously, we are so thankful for the family allowing us to stay in their house! And hopefully the kids don't mind me showing off their bedrooms on the internet. :) Our apartment in HK will probably be 1/4 the size of this house, so we are enjoying lots of space while we can.
Loved the video! SO cute! :)