Taiwan Week 2: Ministry at Morrison (Kaohsiung)
Nathan and I each spent grades 8-12 in the Morrison Academy school system. We were on separate campuses for grades 8 and 9, but then on the same campus for grades 10-12. Morrison changed and grew us in many ways and we are forever grateful for the influence of the people and the school on our lives. Because of this, Nathan was very excited to be asked to the Spiritual Life Week speaker at Morrison's Kaohsiung campus. He was excited to give back to the school that gave so much to us and to minister to kids who are currently in the same situations we previously found ourselves in. And we were selfishly excited to spend more time in Taiwan!
In Kaohsiung, we stayed with Joe and Kim. Nathan and Joey have been friends since Joey was born (basically) and I've known Joey since high school. Joey teaches at MAK, so while he and Nathan worked together for a week, Kim and I got to hang out for a week and do what we normally do - take care of kids! Ellie (5), Josiah (4), and Siri (3) had a blast together!
On Monday, Nathan kicked off Spiritual Life Week with a combined chapel, grades K-9. It takes talent to hold the attention of and relate to that age range of kids and Nathan was excellent! His theme for the week was Superheros Serve, talking about various "heroes" in the Bible and ways that kids can be heroes through service to others. And of course, he had to demonstrate his own super power: making water from his mouth pour out his nose!
If you would like to see Nathan's super power, click HERE and watch this youtube video. The whole video is pretty funny, but Nathan demonstrates his superpower starting at 5:05. Enjoy!
Tuesday though Friday of the week, Nathan lead three different chapels everyday: K-2, 3-5, and 6-9. He led the kids in worship, shared Bible stories, and challenged them about serving others. Outside of the chapel sessions, Nathan spoke in classrooms, answered questions, hung out with kids, and helped with soccer practice. It was a very busy week for him! Most of the kids at MAK do not come from Christian families. They asked lots of apologetic questions and seemed to be genuinely seeking an understanding of God. Many of the students attend MAK looking for a quality American education, which I know they receive. Pray that they also find relationship with their Savior!
We were blessed to be at MAK for a week! Nathan really enjoyed being the Spiritual Life Week speaker and we loved connecting with the teachers and students. It was great to spend a week living with good friends and watching our kids play together. Josiah even protected Siri from a mean boy on the playground one day!
One more week of Taiwan to share about and then I'll get back to the present.
Sorry I've been a terrible blogger of late!
The "moving" pictures of Josiah and the girls is wonderful.