6 months

Daniel is 6 months old!

He's been on a bike, bus, and ferry (and soon an airplane) but never in a car seat.

He loves his hands. Loves.

Hands and feet fascinate him more than toys. 

But mostly he's fascinated by his big brother.

He weighed in at about 19 pounds today. He gets on hands and knees, tries to scoot a bit, and he rolls, but he doesn't sit unassisted yet. He loves to eat and he loves to ride in his bike seat. He seems (hopefully!) to be moving from his four 45 minute naps to at least one longer nap at some point during the day. Generally he's pretty easy to take out and about, though teaching Sunday School with him is getting a bit harder. He has only ever been on Lantau Island or Hong Kong Island (which tells you how exciting my life has been these past 6 months) so never any "mainland." He loves to interact with people but doesn't seem quite as verbal as Josiah was. He enjoys music but hates loud noises. Strangers are fascinated by his rolls. 

Love my boys!!


  1. Grandpa also loves those boys!

  2. Happy 6-month birthday, Daniel!

  3. Yes, a very happy 6 month birthday to the DD! Is it time to take those rubber bands off his arms????lol..... yep, two adorable little men there!

  4. p.s.....his love for feet and hands are a sure sign he is a reflexologist in the making! A noble calling indeed!

  5. Cute! Looking forward to seeing him (and all of you) in person in a few weeks!


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