Ministry Update: A Project Complete

Most of Nathan's work training pastors happens on a project basis. Each project usually lasts between 2 to 4 years, with 2 to 4 trips each year, depending on the specific needs and goals of the location.

Last week, Nathan was in the Philippines to attend graduation ceremonies in two different locations to celebrate the completion of a 2 year project. This project was in conjunction with International Care Ministries, an NGO focused on poverty relief working through local churches.

Over these 2 years, Nathan and his co-worker Kevin have taught 2 courses to 15 full-time ICM teachers/pastors who have then taught over 500 pastors of ultra-poor congregations. The response has been very positive, the work very fruitful, and the celebrations very fun.

Regarding his trip last week, Nathan wrote: "Over the past few days, we have shook hundreds of hands. Each hand represented a Christian leader who had taken the SALT courses. Each hand represented a ministry and a story. Each hand represented a congregation where God is working in the lives of broken people and families. It was a privilege to touch the hands which touch the hearts of God's people. Please lift up these dear brothers and sisters that God will give them endurance and compassion for this great work He has called them to."
