Things We Will Miss, Part 3: Water

In this series, I will attempt to record some of the most meaningful elements from our seven years in Hong Kong. These years have been hard and good. We have felt alone and at home. Some things we will not miss at all, but others we will miss dearly. I will always be more practical than sentimental, but that should not discount the depth of appreciation that we have for the people, places, memories, opportunities, and growth that has happened during our time in Hong Kong.

We live on an island. An island that is only 10x bigger than the LAX airport. And about 1/10 the size of the City of Los Angeles. The internet told me these random facts. Anyway, the point is, we live on an island that is small enough to actually see the water all the time. From most everywhere. 

From the beach,

from the mountains,

even from upside down. 

Over the past 7 years, we’ve spent a lot of time looking at water,

floating on the water, 

being near the water,

being in the water,

or jumping into the water. 

And while I expect that we will spend plenty of time in pools and rivers around Chiang Mai, I don't want to ignore the impact of living near the ocean, of seeing the rhythm of the waves, of feeling a connection to what is beyond.
