Not in Hong Kong
God is so good to let us experience real seasons for a year after season-less SoCal and before hot and humid Hong Kong. And that's what I'll keep telling myself as we continue to rake leaves for the next few weeks! We have 13 deciduous trees in the yard providing plenty of leaves to rake and blow and fall in and kick and exclaim about. These pictures are from Friday, but we raked/blew the whole yard again today and piled up many more leaves.
Josiah attacks the leaves with a stick.
Josiah attacks the leaves with a rake.
There's barely room to drive down this street now, there are so many leaves.
Ok, that was a bit of an exaggeration.
But see that tree? The one that's still green. No grass grows under that tree because the leaves are so think no sunlight reaches the ground. Hopefully this tree gets with the falling process before the last leaf pickup!
In the next set of pictures, will Joe be operating the blower?