The Darkness

The beautiful mountains and blazing sunshine that surround us make it easy to forget about the spiritual darkness that is also very present. I have not been certain how active the temples in our village are, or how active the villagers are in the temple activities. We hear guys practicing the temple drum beats frequently, but have not seen much else. Today, the drum beats were much louder and when I looked out the window, saw that we had an actual god parade going by. I don't really know any specific things about this god or the parade, but here are some things to notice in the video:

1. The drum beat and cymbal clanging is a sound we hear frequently. Thankfully, not the kazoo sound.
2. They are carrying a boat, so maybe this god has something to do with the ocean. Or maybe they are trying to get rid of the red tide that has been around for the last week.
3. The god certainly has nothing to do with environmentalism, since one of the ladies in the back is throwing paper money all over the ground. There is now paper money all along the path to town.
4. Other villagers have no problem walking or riding their bike in the middle of the parade. I would have been too intimidated to do that!
5. There are (sadly) quite a lot of people involved in the procession, despite the small village we live in.

John 12:46
Then Jesus cried out... "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness."

Colossians 1:13-14
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.


  1. We have seen lots of money burning this month as it is ghost month...Thank-you for the reminder that this is spiritual darkness! I get so caught up in everything being so culturally different all the time that I forget that there is spiritual darkness in these "cultural differences". We need to be praying!!

  2. I guess...for the first time, I can say that I am glad you guys are there. YIKES! my heart is heavy over that video...:(


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