
Sorry to leave you stuck on the potty training post. I have more stories I can add to that subject sometime. Like yesterday we sat on the potty reading books for a very very long time. No pooping. Nathan took Josiah to the park and pooping. He always poops at the park. Except he had undies on and when he realized what had happened he was very upset. Later at home, before bedtime, he looked at me "Do I have a diaper on?" I informed him he did and... more poop. Of course he felt so much better after getting all the poop out that had been stored up for days that he was quite awake until 10:30pm (hence Nathan's facebook status).

So you know all those people you're praying that we meet? Well, it's made us kinda busy! I'm serious. And of course it's good. :)

Monday Josiah and I went to play with Carrie and Isabel. They are locals who attend the church Papa goes to and they live in Mui Wo. They actually live in the government housing complex in Mui Wo and their flat (for dad, mom, and 3-year-old) is 350 square feet. Carrie does a great job utilizing space, but it made coming home to my 700 square feet feel luxurious! Josiah and Isabel had a good time playing together and I'm thankful to know a local Christian to help me learn a bit more about my community!

Sorry no pictures today... soon!


  1. Okay, so I'm gonna comment. I wasn't going to as uh, well, I have no experience of potty training a little one as you well know...BUT, I was taught in one of my classes that if you do use a "big" toilet for potty training to make sure that the child's feet can be resting on something (as in a bench) as it is easier for them to push to poop.... Yah, so there's my two cents. Make note it comes with no merit from personal experience, and I take no liability for any words printed or actions tried! :) Be blessed, Cliftons!

  2. How about when he is pooping in his diaper, you hold him in the squatting position? Maybe that'll help him train???


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