The Bathroom

I've previously mentioned how much Josiah loves the bathroom. He makes his way down the hall many times a day, only to be disappointed when the door is (usually) closed.

Recently he has begun to be passionately disappointed.

And why not be? There are lots of fun things to do in there. He previously found the toilet, so it only makes sense that he needs to find the toilet paper.

But by far his favorite thing to do is get a bath. Observe the excitement.

Only it's never enough. It often takes two of us to get this strong little kid ready for bed because he's always wanting to go back for more!

(By the time he's 15 everyone will have forgotten that I posted this video, right?)


  1. those are too funny! looks like you have a fish on your hands... lol, when he hit 15, just don't tell him that this page exists; what he does not know wont hurt him!

  2. I loved this post! This is also the world I live in! Sienna has also discovered the toilet, toilet paper (once the entire roll went into the toilet, and the bath tub. Good times, good times!!!


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