I'm Back. Sorta.

Ok. That was a long silence. Much longer than I intended. But first there was Thanksgiving, then a quick trip to Michigan, then some laziness, then some books that I had to finish before I could do anything else (because I had to make sure Leah and Jonas got married, which of course didn't happen until Book 5, but now those books are done and I can return to my own life instead of that of an Amish girl in the 1940's). Anyways, there's a bunch of Thanksgiving pictures on facebook, which I'm sure many of you have seen already, so I won't bother uploading them again.

Jeremy and Alicia came to visit from New York! Josiah cuddled with them for an unusually long time.
David and Lauren came to visit from California! We love our friends and family!
We went to Amish country, ate lots of food, laid around a lot, chopped some wood, ate some more food, and generally had a very thankful Thanksgiving!

Knowing that I have not posted in a long time, I've been trying to get some good pictures of Josiah recently. He has become less photogenic... probably because he is more mobile and has more of a mind of his own... but here are a few of our growing boy.
Desperately reaching for something he should not have.
Funny boy, funny pose.
Fireside adorableness...

Happy boy!

And now Aunt Kara and Uncle Carey are here for the week, so I may or may not be posting much. But I'll be sure to take lots of pictures...


  1. Thanks for the new set of pictures. I'll be glad when I can see Josiah with my own eyes and take pictures of him with my own camera.

  2. we missed you here! looks like you guys had a great holiday, i am so jealous of the Krakes!

  3. Hi Shannon,
    Glad you had a good thanksgiving. The pictures of Josiah are so cute, especially the one with the santa hat. Glad everything is going well for you.



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