New Things

Well, it has been an interesting week. A broken leg and a one-year-old generally do not go together. But I am super thankful for helpful family members and a very wonderful husband! I think I have gotten more cuddles with Josiah since I can't pick him up and play with him as much.
Josiah has a tooth! Well, the beginnings of one anyway. It has broken through but isn't in all the way. And he hasn't been a bit fussy about it. I hope that continues! Along with the new tooth has come a very intense interest in food. We've gone from the occasional banana and applesauce to spaghetti, mac and cheese, rice, french toast, scrambled eggs, cheerios, and anything else that we are eating. I gave him applesauce again today and he was not happy about the texture. He wants to eat like a big boy!

He also wants to move and climb like a big boy. We obviously need to tighten the straps of his high chair.
We got these bins for toys and he promptly climbed on top and stood up.
Where's Josiah Clifton?
And finally, a picture of my new blue cast. I went to the doctor today and got my red cast off and staples out. The doctors says that everything looks good! I will have this cast until January 29 and then a walking boot for a week or so. The pain continues to decrease and I am learning to get around better. This cast is also about a half an inch shorter, making it easier to crawl around after Josiah! :)
We're headed to North Carolina tomorrow for a few weeks to visit my family, so I'm sure blogging will be scarce. Happy New Year!!


  1. man, i wish i could sign your cast... with a silver sharpie. any-who, love the pics; you and your baby look positively glowing Shannon! i hoe you guys have a fantastic new year and celebrate with much pomp!

  2. He's getting to be such a little boy! :D

  3. hey...i'm going through Jo withdrawal


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