
1. Telling Josiah that he can "do it tomorrow" is not a good idea before bedtime. At one home, he saw a bowl of suckers. I told him it was time for bed and he could have one tomorrow. So at 5:30 am, he was up and ready to get his sucker.

He remembered.

At a hotel, I gave him one sip of his juice box before bed and we put the rest in the refrigerator for tomorrow. Again, he was up before the birds were singing, crawled out of bed, and went straight to the refrigerator.

He remembered.

At another home, Josiah enjoyed riding a noisy little toy car. It got put in the garage at night and it was said he could play with it again tomorrow. So he was up before dawn, crawled out of bed, and at the door to the garage, requesting the car.

He remembered.

Maybe if we make life more boring, he'll sleep. But probably not.

2. Nathan changed Josiah's diaper in the driver's seat while in the parking lot of Kohl's. The car was running because it was hot and Nathan wanted the AC on. I was standing beside Nathan and we started talking about something while Josiah sat in the driver's seat, his absolute favorite thing to do. Suddenly the van started moving forward! The driver's door was open, so with his super duper strength, Nathan grabbed the van to stop it from going forward. I jumped in and stepped on the brake and put the van back into park.

Apparently the brake does not need to be pressed in order to shift into drive. And apparently our child can shift the car into drive.

While we recovered from the adrenaline rush, Josiah wept because we turned off the car and took the keys away. He really loves to drive, not just "drive."

3. We are currently in Sun City, AZ. Sun City is a retirement city. No one under 18 is allowed to live in the home and at least one resident must be over 55. We went to church this morning at a church in Sun City. Close to 1,000 worshipers, all over the age of 55.

We sat near the front and when the choir began an arrangement of "Jesus Loves Me," Josiah yelled out "Mommy sings that!" Then he sang along... between bites of fruit snacks we used to keep him quiet. Because, well, there's no nursery at this church!


  1. I had my first automobile accident shortly before I got my learner's permit. It seems that Josiah might be working on getting ahead of me.

  2. Thank you for painting such delightful, descriptive pictures with your words. I wish I had a memory like Josiah's. That had to be wierd to be in such an "old" place with just retired people. I'm glad Joe could bring some variety. He does that with flare!


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