Buffalo vs. Baby

I just filmed 5 minutes of water buffalo stand-off in front of our house. We find their behavior fascinating. Especially since there is now a 4th buffalo in the area and it seems to be 3 against the 1. Their tales stick straight out when they're in a stand-off. And they sorta charge each other. Also, compared to the deep voice you expect them to have, they sound more like little girls yelling at each other. But since nothing truly interesting happened in the 5 minute video, I'll give you pictures from last night instead.

I suppose you'd rather see the baby than the buffalo, huh?


Baby mid-sneeze.

Baby big eyes, big cheeks.


Baby smile.

Baby big smile.

Big brother baby smile at the same age.

Comfy baby.

Content Daddy.


  1. Ha, ha, gotta love those high-def cameras. It's like I can actually feel the slobber coming at me! AWESOME! ;) Oh, this is Justin V. by the way. Finally following your blog. Ha, ha, it took me long enough! Yay, now I get to see whatcha up to all the time! Praying for you guys!

  2. he is such a cute ickle pudding! i love the big eyes big cheeks one!

  3. absolutely adorable, tho the buffalo episode was intriguing....I choose Daniel.

  4. Love the chubby cheeks and the big eyes!

  5. I just want to eat his cheeks!

  6. epic shot of the sneeze. keeper for sure

  7. You're right, I'd rather see the buffalo yelling at each other in their girly voices =D


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