I think we've been busy. 

I'm not really sure what we've been busy doing, but I feel busy.

I haven't been doing laundry, that's for sure.

I have spending a lot of time making this baby laugh.

Because it's addicting.

I've also been listening to Josiah sing...

Row Row Row Your Boat
(sung while rowing a boat in the bathtub)

A Song in Mandarin
(yes, his school is in Cantonese. but he also has Mandarin class. 
the child is probably so confused.)


  1. such a good little performer! :) I love his mandarin song. and daniel is so precious!

  2. Love the pictures and videos. They are both so cute. Josiah will have to tell me what he sang when I come for a visit.

  3. AddictingisnotawordJune 1, 2012 at 6:27 AM


    1. If you're gonna correct me, you could at least say who you are! :)

    2. No. It's more fun if you guess. I bet you know deep down who it is. Just think....

  4. This Clifton child stands in the best place so far to be trilingual. The rowboat in the bathtub is priceless, albeit the oar is somewhat deficient. I vote for a spatula for greater movement....lol...and the little 'DD'....very intimidating to picture this strength in a grown up body.....sheesh....and with joy abounding...so fun!

  5. as a 'professional' musician, I must applaud his grand ability to carry a tune all the way to the end. It's actually very difficult for most preschoolers. I could totally hear the Happy Birthday in his singing. BRAVO!


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