More pictures!

So... I've meant to be a better blogger than this. I have Daniel's birth story half written, but you'll still have to wait a few days for that, sorry!

We're doing well. Daniel has so far been pretty easy and predictable.
I'm sure that won't last.

Josiah continues to show some signs of stress, but thankfully none of his aggression or acting out is aimed at Daniel. Mostly just me.

Daniel looks quite a lot like Josiah did as a newborn. And since he is wearing all of Josiah's clothes, it's like we're on repeat.

Josiah is pretty freaked out by Daniel's umbilical chord. Also, Daniel sleeps with his head turned the same way Josiah did. And does not like to have it turned the other way.

Daniel likes his quilt that Grandma made, especially since he likes to be super duper warm when he sleeps.

Yay Daniel! We're happy that you're here!


  1. he's cute. those pictures with Joe and Daniel remind me of ones with me and Nathan when I was first born. somebody should dig those up (I don't have them) - jer

  2. How sweet:) Can't wait to hear more;)

  3. he has a big forehead like his bro =)


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