Ow-siiii (Outside)

While rummaging through the garage looking for yard tools, we found this:

I had been looking on craigslist and at garage sales recently to find something similar, but with no luck. And here God had already provided this one for free! Josiah loves to push and ride it around the yard, of course. The only down side is that now when I tell him we're going to go to the car, he thinks we're going to play with his little car. So the carseat is not always a welcome sight. Oh well.

And here are some of our flowers!

Our yard might be overgrown, but at least parts of it are pretty!


  1. I NEED to be ow-siiii with Joe.

  2. That's neat that you found that. He is such an outside guy. You are going to need to get your packpacking gear ready!

  3. Elizabeth WhitneyMay 16, 2010 at 6:13 AM

    He is getting so big! can't wait to see you all!!!


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