Baby Talk

Josiah is really starting to explore his voice. Just yesterday he was cracking me up while we drove around running errands. He just babbles to himself in the back seat. Actually, it's more like expressive sighing at this point, not really babbling. Here are a couple of baby talk videos from the last week or so.


  1. i love the videos shannon, keep posting! i am so impressed that you are so consistent :) i'm going to try to do better. josiah looks so sweet and happy. that's awesome. how are summer plans coming along?

  2. That's what I've read, that these are the days where the baby is learning what sounds are talk and what are not--he seems to want to work hard at it!
    (and the gusher at the end was a nice touch!)

  3. Videos staring Josiah :) - forget TV, I'll be glad to keep watching the "Josiah" channel.


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