Sick Baby
There's been a sick baby around here the last few days. And I'm sure it didn't help that we were traveling this weekend. He was generally fine during the day, just not quite as happy or active. But night time... sigh. Friday night was the worst. He coughed and cried every 45 minutes or so. I think he might have given me one 2 hour stretch, for which I was very grateful. Sunday morning was also terrible, as he woke up with a crazy coughing fit that had us ready to go to the emergency room. But we didn't. I took him to the doctor today, even though he seems to be getting better. It just made me feel better to hear the doctor say that his lungs were clear and that we were doing the right things.
Thank you, God, for protecting our little boy!
so glad josiah is better and that you will hopefully be getting more sleep. please tell that baby boy he's not allowed to be sick at his auntie's wedding!