A Rare Moment of Transparency

The blog is generally about happy, surface level, daily activity type things. And I mostly plan for it to stay that way. But let me take a moment away from pictures of Josiah and bizarre cultural situations to tell you...

We've been pretty lonely.

That statement has not yet ceased to be true, but I think we are feeling more hopeful. And so while I feel hopeful, I want to just take a moment to say thank you and ask you to pray for us.

Thank you for commenting on this blog.
(Really, thank you for communicating with us in any way at all.)

Now, that is not at all meant to make anyone feel guilty who does often or ever leave comments. Because honestly, I don't expect you to. I used to and then I realized that not everyone is into reading blogs and especially not commenting on them. (I rarely comment on other blogs.) So I put that little map over there to remind me that you do care. :) But I will say that blog comments (and facebook messages and random emails... generally any communication) help us to remember that we still have friends and people still love us. Hopefully soon we won't have to rely solely on the internet for relationships!

Please pray for us as we choose a church community to connect with.

We feel hopeful about building relationships because we have started to have consistent contact with other believers. We attended Discovery Bay International Community Church for the month of July and met lots of wonderful people and had good fellowship. This month we are attending Tung Chung Church and have so far been very welcomed and been able to make personal connections. After years of working in churches, it is nice to be able to spend some time exploring other churches before we choose where to worship consistently. And after several weeks of being too sick to go to church and not really knowing anyone, what a blessing to connect with believers again!

(A note about church: At this point in time, we are seeking to attend an English-speaking international church. This is due to the fact that a) we only speak English and are not currently studying Cantonese full-time and b) Nathan's ministry focus is not the people of Hong Kong. [Click on the SALT tab above for an explanation of ministry focus.] We hope to have lots of opportunities to minister in the church context. The international churches in Hong Kong are very international with people from all over the world, as well as locals, attending.)

Please pray that Nathan can sleep.

Though we have sensed God's leading and seen His provision during the past many months, and though we know we are where He wants us to be, this move has been hard. Months of traveling, moving, uncertainty, sickness, etc. have been stressful. And now that we are more settled, Nathan faces new work, new goals, new expectations... and a lot of unknowns. Times of high stress seem to equal insomnia for Nathan and he has been getting very little sleep, though he is quite exhausted.

Please pray for the many Asian pastors that need more Biblical training.

We are not so silly to think that God cannot accomplish His work without us. But we do believe that He has called us to be part of a pastoral training movement in Asia, and our involvement in that work is certainly impacted by the first two prayer requests mentioned. So ultimately, pray for God's Word to be made more fully known in Asia. But as you think about how God may choose to use us in that process, pray that we are able to develop friendships and get necessary sleep... you know, just some of the basic human essentials! (Thankfully, God continues to provide - through many of you - the other basics... like shelter, food, and clothing!)

And one more thing...

You'd think that being lonely would mean that we would be better about communicating individually with people. Somehow that isn't always true. We go through spurts of good communication and then there are other times when the idea of maintaining relationships via the internet is just depressing and we don't do it. I personally have a "I should reply to this person when I can write a thoughtful email" list that hasn't decreased much recently. So if you feel like we owe you some communication love, send us a gentle reminder! We really do appreciate you all. We know it isn't easy to remember friends on the other side of the world, so thank you.

Thank you for praying.


  1. You are just a precious family, Cliftons! We will openly continue lifting you up in prayer! Your honesty is most certainly humbling! We pray you find Christian community and loving hearts to stand by your family in-country!

  2. You are on our fridge and in our hearts. We'll pray for your requests. The evil one seeks to discourage you, but our God will get the victory.
    Hang on to the Lord, His promises and each other. We are with you in spirit.

  3. Dear ones, It's very difficult and isolating to handle the heat, the huge energy expense in travel to get anywhere, with the busy little one inside and beside you, the sickness, the newness in getting set up.....thank you for your candid sharing....don't hesitate to do this as often as you need to....you have a host of us who love you, pray for you and believe God is working in and thru you for His glory....thank you for all you are to Him and us! Love you so much!

  4. Sweet friend - I just wrote you a lengthy comment for your encouragement and lost it somehow. ugh.

    In a nutshell :), I told you I got your email this morning and spent time praying for your requests after I saw them. I am thankful for your post so I have more details on how to pray. I'll be praying for meaningful, encouraging friendships - those lucky people who will get to spend time with you! I'm jealous for sure! :)

    I think of you guys all the time - I'll try to be better to let you know when I do! Keep your chin up! HUGS!

  5. We think of you guys all the time, and you are daily in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there! We love you!!

  6. We love you and we are praying for all four of you.It was so good to have Cary for a few days - it almost felt like you were here again. Shannon, am so thankful you are moving past morning sickness. Hang in there - even a simple move takes a year to feel at home. Be sure to check your calendar in a year and see how well you have adjusted. We love you.

  7. we love you guys and definitely read up on your blogs (although not good at commenting). i'm always so excited when you have new videos of josiah up. :) we're thinking of you guys!!!

  8. Maybe the best thing I can say is, "We'll see you soon!"

  9. Last week we had a HomeClub (backyard VBS) at our home and Wednesday the lesson was Noah...so of course we had animal crackers for snack. And of course I thought of my favorite boy who calls me "Cookie"...wishing I could be sharing those animals with him.

    Miss you all.

    Heather Schutz

  10. I will continue to pray for you all....I do read your blogs when I can and love them. Thanks for being transparent, Shannon I know how hard that is for you! God is working even thru the hard times. We miss you and love you. I will pray for Nathan and the rest he needs to get. For your pregnancy, sickness and tiredness that goes with it. Also for our precious Josiah as you seek God's wisdom in a church that will affect all of you for the future! I wish I could hug through the cables to Hong Kong.....but know I am loving you through Christ who strengthens us!

  11. Thanks for the candid blog. We love you; we appreciate you; we pray for you; we want to be as helpful as we can.

  12. you knoe we care! forgive me if i don't post comments much, but i often check the blog while nursing wayne.

  13. awesome Shannon. That must have been difficult. You have totally convicted me (in a good way) to remember lots of people who are in similar situations as yours. I will continue to pray for that perfect friend. Good News. Based on all these comments, lots of people read your blog!!!! Even the ticker mark (over 22 thousand) is an encouragement that people are connected to you...even if it's only via internet. :)

  14. Thanks for the update! I'm definitely praying for you and am excited to hear how God answers these prayer requests!

  15. this is cool. clearly a bunch of people love you me hearties. Take heart, this too shall pass.

  16. Know that the hallways at CBC, the table at Qdoba, the Romans Study night, and so many other places are also empty of you; and make us pray even more when we see that empty spot! YOU are a BLESSING!

  17. I am so glad you shared this as I can be more "detailed" in my prayers for you. (((hugs)))

  18. Nathan,Shannon,Josiah,

    You are each GREATLY missed at CBC :) Yet, I am so thankful to the Lord that HE has you exactly where HE wants you and I know you will be fruitful! Thank you for your honesty in sharing your heart in how I can be praying for you. Shannon tell me when we can SKYPE and I will come in as early as I need to so we can connect.
    Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy & peace as you trust in im, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Love & Miss you!
    Amy Wolff

  19. Shannon and Nathan,

    Praying that in His perfect way and perfect timing He will meet each need and provide every encouragement so that you will know His perfect peace day by day and moment to moment.


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