Thank you.

We have felt an amazing amount of love and encouragement from the body of Christ over the last 2 days. Thank you. So many of you have commented or emailed or facebooked... it is seriously overwhelming. In a good way! :)

I had no idea so many of you read this blog. Thank you! I honestly don't care about blog comments or statistics, I just want people to be able to stay connected with us and know how to pray for us. And it is more clear than ever that goal is being accomplished. How very humbling!

Can I tell you something? I had multiple missionaries respond and tell me that they do or have felt the same way. So if you are connected with other missionaries besides us, please pray for them and encourage them. Of course, much of what we're feeling is just normal after you make a big move and life change, but it is definitely exacerbated by additional missionary-specific stressors.

Nathan has enjoyed a bit more sleep the last few days, and it's just been wonderful to feel so loved and supported. Thank you. Also, I left Josiah in underwear for his nap for the first time today and he woke up dry. Did someone pray for that?

We are blessed beyond belief that so many of you think about us, care about us, and pray for us. I am tempted to feel a bit awkward about all that public self-disclosure, but your responses made it so worth it!

Ok, enough words. Next post: Videos of Josiah rocking out on his guitar. (Unfortunately, I have to show you the edited version because he was naked. Look for the unedited version at his wedding.)


  1. awesome.....glad you felt the prayers and human "touch" through are loved

  2. Your transparency is the only way we will be able to really support you! The fact that you followed God's leading and moved to China shows your strength and faith in Him. You don't have to worry about telling us that it's hard. I mean, duh, of course it's going to be hard. But that will make the result all the more worth it. Praying for you!

  3. Hey Shannon, way to go and be brave and share your feelings!! It is amazing the encouragement and support you get when you show that vulnerability!! I praise God for my sisters in Christ! You are loved here on earth and by our Heavenly Father =)

    I hear Josiah on the whale shark thing. Did you know that there is an octopus in every body of water just waiting to get me? This started when i was young and has carried into my twenties!! I think that octopus will grow old just like me and remain waiting till I think he is not around... and BOOM he will get me =) I haven't tried a red tube thing though, I will have to remember that for next time i venture into water that i can't see past my feet. i can't believe you are drinking lemon coke!! I LOVE that stuff. I would get it in Germany every once in awhile. Awesome! Well drink one for me =)
    Ok bed time... hugs! -ef

  4. Rock Around the Clock?! (Can I see the unedited version?)


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