Veggies vs. Cows and Chickens

Today we went to Ocean Park.
See? There we are.

And we rode rides.
Well, I didn't. I'm pregnant.

So other people rode rides with Josiah.

And he got lots of attention.

Papa was there too, but I don't have any pictures of him. Sorry, Papa.
We were super hot until it poured while we were waiting for the dolphin show.
Then we were soaked.
Then we discovered that the Giant Panda exhibit is really cold.
That would have been a nice discovery at noon, instead of while wet.
Oh well.

Though a very nice amusement park and much better than Nathan
remembers as a kid, this sign sorta ensures that the park is still Asian, at its core.
A fire extinguisher in front of a very large fountain:

But I liked this sign best:
What if I don't want to eat more vegetables?
What if I just eat more cows and chickens? Won't that also help the ocean?
I think so.

Update: I forgot to tell you that Josiah spent this entire day in undies! And no accidents! He went potty twice at the park, then napped (in the bus, taxi, and ferry) on Nathan's lap for over an hour and stayed dry. Of course, he didn't poop all day because he didn't have a diaper on all day, but still... hooray for bladder control even in the midst of excitement and napping!


  1. hoorah for lil' Joe!!! looks like you guys had a mighty fun time, love you lots! :D

  2. Yay for Joe wearing undies! He'll get the poop thing down eventually. The picture of you and Nathan at the top is a GREAT picture! Framer.

  3. Hooray for bladder control indeed! you're just one tiny step away from diaper freedom! you go!


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