Since I consented to giving him one at about a week old, Josiah has been a huge fan of the pacifier. He still is and I don't look forward to the day that we to take it away. But that will be another post for another time. We have always called the pacifier a paci. When Josiah started to attempt to say paci, it came out as sas. Which was cute. We kept calling it a paci, and then he evolved to pap. Not as cute. So for the last few months we've been calling it a sas so that he would too. But now he can say paci. So we're changing once again. I assume this will be the final name evolution for this sacred little piece of plastic.


  1. And the money quote is..."this sacred little piece of plastic." (Can't decide if I want to be present for Day One of No Pacifier.)

  2. when we decided Logan's pacifier should go bye bye, we started it out gradually by first only letting him have it while he was sitting with us, in bed, in the car, or in the pack& play. Then it was only in bed... and still is. Every morning, he will spit it out, and leave it in the crib for the next time he sleeps, though often, he just holds onto it, instead of sucking it.

    it worked for us.

  3. Sienna is totally a binkie baby as well. Some people are totally against them, but, man, I'm a huge fan. They just make life so much easier for everyone! I'm definitely dreading the day when we have to give it up. I know someone who just got rid of them and said that swiper swiped it, and it was that easy. Somehow I don't think Sienna would go for that! :)

  4. Our pediatrician told us that we have to cut the paci cold turkey at 12 months...but he also told me that I'm required to wean the baby then, too. What does he know? ;) I think we're going to be a bit more flexible with that; something gradual eventually, I'm sure. We all love the little lifesaver.


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