No pictures, sorry.

Well, he did it.

He can get out of his crib. Very efficiently. It's pretty impressive, really.

The first time was yesterday morning. He was hanging out in his crib reading books while I took a shower. Then he was in the bathroom.

He went down like normal for his nap in the afternoon. 10 minutes later I heard a thud. I walked to the bottom of the stairs and looked up at a very proud and smiling little boy. It was hard not to laugh. So I took him back and explained he needed to stay in his crib.

Then I waited outside his room.

About 30 seconds later he opened in the door and we knelt/stood face to face. His smile was huge. It was really, really hard not to laugh. I think I did a little.

So I took him back in. I told him if he got up again I would spank him. He understood. And he went to sleep.

At bedtime, we put him down like normal. Then I rejoined the group of ladies at my house to eat food, play games, and talk. Nathan says he got up 4 times.

This morning, Nathan was walking down the hallway to go downstairs and heard... "mommy --- *thud*". And there was the boy.

He's been in bed almost an hour tonight and he only got up once. So I think we're good for tonight. But clearly we have an issue.

If we were not in such transition this wouldn't be a problem. We would simply move him to a big boy bed. But between December and April we will be sleeping in a million different places and I cannot even begin to imagine how tired we will be if he does not have a consistent place to sleep.

Arm's Reach makes a canopy to go over the co-sleeper. I have yet to determine how easily he would be able to remove it since I think it is mainly for the purpose of keeping animals and older children out. But it could be a solution. Otherwise, I guess we'll rely on discipline to win over his strong-will.

Anyway, that's what's going on around here.


  1. Pictures are great and all, but entries like this are wonderful too. I like em.

  2. That was funny! I can totally picture that little face!

    That said, I would do the big boy bed training. It is much easier than you would think and I found my kids traveled better after the transition, oddly enough. Good luck!

  3. Like mother, like son. And I agree, it is a great story.

  4. That's hilarious! Joey and I thought for a long time about not buying a bed at all for Ellie and simply putting Ellie's crib mattress on the floor! But we ended up buying a toddler bed that fits a crib mattress for like $40 on craig's list. It's at least a little safer than the crib, but it DID take Ellie some time to know she could easily get out, but NOT do it! :)

  5. you need a small comfy prison cell : )


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