5 Years

Disclaimer: I could not be bothered to figure out how to take good pictures of pictures. Sorry. Oh, and this is somewhat sappy, but not too sappy, as I am not capable of too much sappiness. Still, you may want to opt out of this post.

My Dearest Husband of 5 Years,

Way back when... 10 years ago... I wasn't really sure what to think. Your flirting was kinda annoying. And yet it worked. :)

I believe this banquet was only a few weeks after we were "official." And I felt awkward. But you sure knew how to pick beautiful flowers. Thanks!

Things eventually got less awkward.

And apparently I also got fewer flowers?

But I would trade all the flowers in the village for an adventure with you any day! Adventures in Taiwan...

And through the hills of West Virginia on our way to North Carolina...

Or the beaches of South Carolina...

The woods of Ohio...

The sky scrapers of Chicago...

And any of the other cities, states, and countries we have wound up in but that I could not locate pictures of. Through all the adventures we've had thus far, thank you for your support...

Your strength...

Your silliness...

And your love.

I am excited for the next adventures God brings our way! I'm glad that I'll get to be with you through them all! Thank you for being such a wonderful husband. I love you!
Happy Anniversary!




  1. Aw! So sweet. :-) I should find that old shoebox of photos from high school myself... But it's too late for this year's anniversary. maybe next year? :-D

    You guys are so cute together... loved the pictures! Hope you have a wonderful anniversary!

  2. That makes me want to cry!!!!!!! What a beautiful post!! I am so happy for you and Nathan. We girls are blessed with our Nathans!! :)

  3. The blonde hair was surprising. You guys have had many adventures and you have many more to come. You will be missed, but we are excited for you.

  4. "Sappy" Now that's an interesting word. I must agree--my daughter has never been one to act or be sappy.


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